Your profile and access to your team

Within your profile, you have the ability to oversee and control various aspects of your information, including your notification preferences for saved filters, lists, and monitored webshops.


To access your profile, simply click on the menu located in the top right corner of the screen. Look for the icon with the first letter of your name. If you'd like to personalise your profile, you can easily do so by uploading your own picture in the Profile"section.


In this section, you have the ability to manage your personal and login information, as well as reset your password if needed.


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To learn more about the Profile settings and how to Change password, please refer to the corresponding articles for detailed instructions.


Notifications & Monitored webshops


In the Notifications section, you can view your saved filters and lists. In the Monitored webshops section, you can see the webshops that you are currently following. Here, you have the ability to customise your notification preferences or choose to stop monitoring one or all webshops.

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For more detailed instructions on how to customise your Filters and Lists Notifications settings and set up Webshops Notifications, please refer to the corresponding articles. These articles will provide you with all the information you need to effectively manage and personalise your notifications.


Access to your team

To grant access to your team, navigate to the My team section located on the top left-hand side of the screen. Here, you will find a list of your colleagues who have access to the platform. Those with a crown icon next to their name have administrative permissions, allowing them to add, edit, delete, or set other users as administrators.

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To add a new user, click on the Add user button. A small window will appear, prompting you to enter the person's first name, last name, and email address. Once you have entered this information, the person will receive an email with instructions on how to connect to the platform and start using our E-commerce solution.

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To make changes to a user's permissions, such as editing, deleting, or setting them as an administrator, you can easily do so by clicking on the drop-down menu labeled Settings located under the column named Actions on the right-hand side. From there, select the action you wish to take. After selecting the action, a pop-up message will appear to confirm your chosen action.