Save Filters

Learn how to easily save your preferred filter settings and access them effortlessly in your future sessions.

After selecting your filters and filling in the necessary fields for your search, you have the option to save that specific filter selection for future sessions.

To do this, simply click on the "Save filter" button after selecting the filters and populating the fields.


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A new window will appear where you can give your filter a name and choose your notification preferences.

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If you want a specific filter selection to be automatically displayed when you start your session, simply check the box that says "Save this filter as default."

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Your saved filters will appear in the field "Saved filters" on top of the webshops list


Delete saved filters

To delete a saved filter, go to the "Saved filters" field at the top of the webshops list. Click on the filter you want to delete by selecting the edit icon. This will open a pop-up window where you can find the delete option in the bottom left corner. Click on delete to proceed with deleting the filter.


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