Notification System

Customise your global notification settings to suit your preferences and needs for a tailored experience inside and outside Tembi E-Commerce.

To access all your desktop notifications, simply click on the bell icon located in the top right corner menu. This will provide you with a detailed list of all the notifications that you have enabled in your settings.

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Additionally, you can choose to activate email notifications to stay updated on the changes you have selected, even when you're not connected to the platform. This includes notifications for filters, lists, monitored webshops, and other listed notifications below. By enabling email notifications, you will receive timely updates and notifications about these changes directly in your email inbox.

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Other notifications

In addition to receiving notifications for monitoring webshops, saved lists, and filters, there is another category of notifications. These notifications include when you are designated as the main contact for a webshop, when someone mentions you in a note, or when you receive a new note for a webshop that has been assigned to you by a team member.

You can manage these notifications by going to your personal space and selecting the "Other" section in your "Notification settings." From there, you can customise your preferences for both desktop and email updates according to your needs.

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