Export your customers data

Easily download your search results or list with just a few clicks.

Download all the displayed leads

To download your customers information, follow these simple steps on the Webshops page:

Navigate above the webshops list and select the checkbox next to the total  number of webshops to the to initiate the download process.


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Click on the Export option in the pop-up window that appears at the bottom of the page. This will automatically initiate the download of the webshops list in an xlsx file.

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With just a few clicks, you can effortlessly download your desired information, enhancing your data management experience.


Export a Specific Selection of Leads

When you need to export data exclusively for a chosen subset of leads, the process is straightforward:

To export data for specific webshops, simply select the checkboxes next to the desired webshops on the webshops list. A convenient pop-up menu will appear at the bottom of the page. From this menu, click on Export to begin the export process.


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This efficient approach ensures that you can export data for your selected leads with ease and precision.


In order to choose the specific information you want to download for each webshop, make sure to first select the columns and arrange their order using the Manage columns button located at the top right corner above the webshops list.