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Analyse Market potential: is there enough market for me?

Assess market viability and explore the types of companies present within a specific area.

Use map-based criteria and advanced analytics to assess market potential. Get insights from business data, sectors, and moving probabilities to guide smart decisions for entering or expanding in a market.

Defining Market Parameters

Before diving into analysis, it's crucial to define your market. Begin by utilising the map feature to select the desired geographical area in the Search page. Then, fine-tune your criteria by choosing the number of full-time employees and the sector you're interested in. 

Analysing Market Potential


Click Analytics Mode

Once you've defined your market criteria, navigate to the Analytics Mode within our tool. This specialised mode empowers you to uncover valuable insights about the market you're exploring with interactive reports.

In this section, you will be able to view the total number of companies, the composition of sectors, production units by number of employees, and the probability of companies moving.

To filter companies based on the number of full-time employees, click on the columns in the table named "Number of production units by sector and size." This feature allows you to select companies within a specific range of full-time employees.



To gather insights on the number of companies included in each range, hover over the bar reports for Production units by size (number of employees) and Number of production units grouped by moving probability.



You have the option to download each graph in PNG and XLSX format. However, please note that when downloading the PNG format, the interactive features of the graphs will not be included.

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Benefits of Advanced Analysis

  • Informed Decision-Making: By assessing the market's company count, sector composition, and moving probability, you gain crucial insights that guide your business strategy.

  • Resource Allocation: Understanding market potential aids in allocating resources effectively. It helps you decide whether to invest further or explore alternate options.

  • Competitor Landscape: Analyzing the types of companies present gives you an overview of your potential competitors, enabling you to devise competitive strategies.

  • Adaptability: The inclusion of moving probability empowers you to anticipate changes in the market, fostering adaptability and preparedness.